


2022-12-12 高丽参的功效 | 野生高丽参| 高丽参功效 养生


[Medicinal materials] 100g lotus seeds, 20g tremella.
[Ingredients] 5g rock sugar, 3g sweet scented osmanthus brine.
Step 1: Rinse tremella with warm water, soak the hair, remove the yellow root, wash it, and break it into small petals; Soak lotus seeds in clean water, wash them with warm water after bloating, remove the heart, put them into a bowl, add some boiled water, steam them on the drawer for about 50 minutes, take them out and put them into a soup bowl for later use.
Step 2: Put the pot on a medium fire, add proper amount of water, heat the tremella slightly, remove it, and put it into a soup bowl with steamed lotus seeds. Add rock sugar and sweet scented osmanthus bittern into the pot, turn the heat to boil until the rock sugar dissolves into juice, skim off the foam, and pour the rock sugar juice into the soup bowl.
[Efficacy] Nourish yin and spleen, nourish blood and calm nerves. It is applicable to dry skin, hoarse voice, toothache, etc. [Food] Serve with meals.

标签: 养生

