

贫血、产后病后体虚、精神疲惫、儿童生长发育迟缓|霸王别姬 汤

2022-12-9 高丽参的功效 | 野生高丽参| 高丽参功效 养生








[Medicinal materials] 2g Angelica sinensis, 1 white ginseng.
[Ingredients] 800g of pure black bone chicken, 500g of pure turtle, 3 red dates, 4g of medlar, 10g of ginger slices and scallions, 5g of salt, 2g of monosodium glutamate, and 2g of white pepper.
Step 1: After killing the clean black bone chicken and turtle, clean them, put them into a boiling water pot together, boil them for 2 minutes, skim the foam, and remove them.
Step 2: Place the casserole on the fire, add some water, add black bone chicken, turtle, ginger slices, onion, red dates, medlar, ginseng, and angelica, boil over high heat and turn to low heat for 3 hours until the chicken and turtle meat are cooked, add white pepper, salt, and MSG for seasoning, and then boil for 2 minutes.
[Efficacy] It can nourish qi, blood, liver and kidney. It is applicable to anemia, physical deficiency after postpartum disease, mental fatigue, growth retardation of children, etc.
[Food] Drink soup and eat meat.

标签: 养生

